Friday, March 27, 2020


When I began posting this blog, there were only 6,171 people reported infected with COVID-19, mostly in one province in China.  Only 133 had been reported to have died and they hadn't thought to track those who were reported in critical condition.  


  • 590,628 are confirmed infected (this means they have had a test for the virus and had a positive result for the presence of COVID-19)
  • 22,086 are reported to be in critical condition (and it is primarily out of this base that most deaths come)
  • 26,966 have been reported to have died

Also since the world began to react to the surprise, sinister and invisible enemy, different moderating procedures have been put in place, such as washing your hands well and often, social distancing and closing various social gatherings, including sports events and even churches, etc.  

Every day there are people who are doing their part to help contain the virus through the many common-sense recommendations.  Yet, there remain too many (even one is too many!) who are not willing to change their behaviours, no matter how much negative impact it may have -- or even knowing people will die because of this carelessness.

Sinister and Invisible

What is especially challenging about this virus is that you can be infected and have no symptoms (so you don't feel you should be overly careful).  However, even when someone is infected and with no symptoms, they can infect others -- an invisible enemy!

Use this Time Well

I discovered a fascinating tool that will help us appreciate the seriousness of being faithful to the rules.  Whether you are a 'mathematic visual', a 'creative visual' or a 'curious theorist' - there is great appeal in this exploration tool.  

I suppose some do not care much, but I'm hoping this video might help you change your own mind.  

It can certainly help all of us better understand -- in a personal way -- the immense value of keeping the simple rules of social distancing, better hygiene and patience.  

We all have a part to play to moderate the ongoing effects of this pandemic.  COVID-19 will change our lives in good ways once we travel through the difficulties and pain.  

Here are thousands of reasons to stick to

social distancing, handwashing and staying home!  

Use this simulation video to convince yourself!

Click the picture or copy and paste
 this link into your browser:
or search YouTube for Simulating an epidemic

Special thanks to Kevin Simler at 
Melting Asphalt for the amazing simulations.

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New disease

I was left with 'long COVID' and it is supposed to be from micro-clots gathering in my lungs. I wonder if it is related to this New...