Sunday, August 8, 2021

An Australian Perspective

Alan Jones on SkyNews 

Masks are more dangerous than anyone realises.  I've written several articles about them in this blog site (just look on the topics list to the right of the articles.  

I've openly stated since the beginning that:

  •  most types of masks (including the 'designer masks' so commercially popular) are not effective - wearing your underware over your face is just as effective because virus particles are so very minute!
  • masks that are effective (the N-95 masks), are rarely, if ever worn or taken off correctly
  • they divide people by those who are wearing a mask against those who do
  • and most dangerous of all, they create a sense of invulnerability that makes those who wear a mask feel safe when they are not.


Israeli lab finds existing drugs that could “cure” Covid

Breakthroughs from disciplined and unbiased observations are critical.  Politicising health matters only risks more lives.  

New disease

I was left with 'long COVID' and it is supposed to be from micro-clots gathering in my lungs. I wonder if it is related to this New...