Thursday, February 13, 2020

Some Helpful Resource

(NOTE:  Words underlined have a link embedded to provide more details):  Click on this link for general information about the behaviour of the disease and basic protective strategies:

Early Basics of the Virus Discussed

Early information on precautionary measures to take by Ken Berry, MD

Or copy and paste this link into your browser:

Difficulty in Getting the Facts

This one hour and seven-minute video is by two US-Chinese experts who share some important information on why the data and facts about the disease from China are still unclear: 

Or copy and paste this link into your browser:

JOHNS HOPKINS USA Daily Statistics

Dynamic statistics about daily progress from Johns Hopkins

Or copy and paste this link into your browser:  

Dr. John Campbell Research Science

Also, if you are interested in the details from a medical researcher’s point of view, Dr. John Campbell in the UK has been following and documenting the facts from the beginning.  He takes a little getting used to, but his information is sound:  

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New disease

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