Thursday, August 5, 2021


A timely, Australian 'shot across the censorship bow' of what is continuing in our world today.  We must wait until time passes, to look back for an accurate understanding of the facts.  

Sadly, COVID-19 has become a global-political football that has resulted in in-fighting while people do die from a flu few still do not understand the seriousness or non-seriousness of this disease compared to other virus outbreaks or bacterial infections over the ages.

I've been writing this blog since the news began to bubble up from main stream and other sources starting in 17 January 2020 and the debates and panic and misinformation and misdirection was starting to look like a cheap magic show -- while people who needed facts, died.  

What is beginning to be understood is that the early ideas of the virus escaping from a science lab in Wuhan China.  It has taken THIS long for this idea to become more commonly entertained.

New disease

I was left with 'long COVID' and it is supposed to be from micro-clots gathering in my lungs. I wonder if it is related to this New...