Thursday, February 13, 2020

How the Virus is Thought to Spread

The virus is spread from person-to-person, and during times before and after symptoms (for up to 2-14 days):

a.     During an average 2-14-day incubation period when the infected person has no symptoms

b.     For an average of 10-14 days after an infected person has recovered because they remain infectious during this time and without symptoms.

c.      Through droplets from person-to-person from sneezing or coughing when they do not cover their mouth.

d.     Through faecal material -- when someone with the virus, does not wash their hands properly after using the toilet and touches surfaces or shakes hands with someone.

e.     When someone, who has not washed their hands properly with soap, uses an air dryer to dry their hands which can aerate (mix with air) the virus and others nearby inhale the virus.

f.      Through the pipes in a multi-dwelling.  More information about this when I find more.

NOTE:  Research shows that the average person touches their face about 400 times a day without thinking about the spread of any pathogen/disease.

Every day there are new discoveries.  As of today, one early symptom other than feeling like you're coming down with the flu is that (in many cases) you may have diarrhoea and an increasingly high fever.

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