Friday, February 14, 2020

Dr. John Maxwell on Protect Yourself

A Good Review of What to do to 
Protect Yourself and Your Family

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Eleven minutes

  1. Protect yourself and your family from outside infections
  2. Stay home when possible, avoid planes, buses, trains, queues, busy areas.
  3. No visitors, avoid close contact with symptomatic people or potential carriers, don’t share cups.
  4. No handshakes, kisses, hugs. Don’t kiss babies. All outside surfaces, money.
  5. Gloves and meticulous hand hygiene, don’t touch eyes, nose mouth.
  6. Wash hands, warm water and soap or hand sanitizers.
  7. Catch it - bin it - kill it.
  8. Coughs and sneezes spread diseases.
  9. Faecal contamination, meticulous hand and surface hygiene.
  10. Wear a quality medical mask or n95.
  11. Wrap around glasses.
  12. Avoid hospitals, limited visiting.
  13. Good nutrition, vitamin D.
  14. Keep warm, sleep, family life.
  15. Thoroughly cook meat and eggs.
  16. Avoid public spaces and wear a mask at home if you start to feel ill with fever.

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