Saturday, December 3, 2022

New test and treatments for patients with lingering COVID-19 symptoms

Endotheliel Syndrome seems to be part of being 'long-haulers'.  Let's hope so.  

New Treatment Shows Promise for COVID Long-Haulers

How strange to be struggling for the last six months with breathing and fatigue.  It will be good when someone figures more out about this.

Friday, July 1, 2022

Important Long Covid information

'Long Covid' is now causing challenges.  

What Coronavirus Symptoms Look Like, Day By Day

Here's What I Learned From Getting COVID

Strangely enough, this virus seems to act in unexpected ways, including infecting those who have been careful with social distancing, masks, working from home.  And it is not going away either.  And it takes a long time to go away.  

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Nine of Ten Deaths in Vaccinated

I've been writing about this topic since end of January 2020 and I've learned much and hope you have remained curious and wise through all the emotion and loss we have journeyed through together. 

However, it seems the adventure is still not over.  

Today, I found yet another article, where a reputable and reliable group has pulled some numbers together for us.  It is disturbing to see finally see more statistics beginning to surface, after all this time of panic, hurrying and forcing everyone to get untested and sometimes concerning vaccines (any brand will do, even a mix of the selections will do!).  

  • So many deaths (who knows how many could have been prevented).  

  • So many lost loved ones we were unable to hug and be with in their final moments or just in their daily lives to help them cling to reality.  

  • So many individuals unwell or chronically ill who resisted/ delayed a trip the the doctors or to the hospital because of fear that the facilities were far too crowded for them to get medical attention or that they would be turned away or become infected.

  • Medical facilities, doctors, specialists and staff in hospitals unprepared and under supplied with protective, diagnostic and treatment methods.

  • So many put in comas from which they never awoke because treatments now recognised as effective (simple, proven and inexpensive) were politically-incorrect and prevented from being used.  

  • People forced to have their governments track their every movement as they visited shops - who even knew what QR-codes were before then. 

  • People forced to wash their hands a zillion times a day, even if they weren't shown how.  

  • People forced to take the vaccines or they were prevented from going to work, the shops, to the hospital or doctors, even to places of worship, weddings, funerals.  All in the name of social distancing.  

  • The psychological damage from separating from society.  The lonliness the effects yet to be measured or understood resulting from social distancing, 'sheltering in place' or working from home.

  • People waited in interminable long lines to be tested by having a stick poked up their nose to the back of their throat.

  • Tests that were faulty, unavailable or even poison.  

  • orced to wear masks about as effective as wearing their  underwear on their heads.  These quickly became commercialized fashion statements with designs and company logos!

  • Loss of jobs and social movement for those who preferred caution rather than compliance - sort of like an 'ankle cuff' to monitor your every movement.  

  • No concerts, restaurants, shopping.  

  • No travelling in taxis, busses or trains without masks if at all, and having seats designated for us when we did manage to travel.

  • Airplanes or cruise ships cancelled stranding many to financial hardships away from home and isolation from family.

  • Some were convinced that even though they were the only one in their car with the windows rolled up, they had to wear a mask and gloves!!

  • And the vaccines!  Well, unlike previous vaccines, they did not prevent the disease from taking hold and now the study cited below indicates clearly that nine of every ten deaths that occurred, occurred in those who WERE vaccinated.  

  • The vaccines instilled a sense of 'safety' but frequently made cookie cutter 'Typhoid Marys' of us all -- as we could be infected and have no symptoms even though vaccinated and merrily spread the disease everywhere we went.

I'm sure there are other times in history that we could look to that were similar, but I don't know of any so filled with unreasonable and unfounded and unscientific panic, controlled by 'social dictators' grew powerful, but I don't know of any.  

Another concerning bit of research that is now surfacing is how those who DID comply (...yes, masta!) now face a future of unpredictable health issues (and there can be no 'class action suit' because they made sure to cover their assets against this in the name of expedience to the market).

Finally, I'm reminded of every crime mystery I've read or line stands out that seems apt for today:  'Follow the money!'  Sad

I found a good and fact based article you may wish to read for yourself that speaks of how now research has documented that nine of ten deaths from COVID-19 occurred in those who were vaccinated.  

Click the image above to go to the article or search The Epoch Times for their article '9 in 10 deaths are in vaccinated people report'.

Or copy and paste this link into your browser.  (you may need to subscribe).  

Sunday, March 6, 2022

IMPORTANT Research Results between Ivermectin and Remdesivir

As I've observed for the last two years since the initial Wuhan New Years celebration and the spread of this disease, the facts are NOT yet sorted through.

There has been so many knee-jerk decisions made in the midst of the chaos of this disease, including lockdowns and wearing masks, using respirators and various drugs without proof and statistics of effectiveness has been shocking.  

Dr. John Campbell has been following this disease since I began and his overview videos are non political, non commercial and based on SCIENCE, not opinion.  

This video is just brilliant and less than 20 minutes long.  

BE INFORMED rather than simply CONFORM!

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Searching for the Truth!

Click the image or the link or copy and paste the link into your browser
or search YouTube for 'CDC Caught Hiding Troves of Data', 
published 23 Feb 2022 
by 'Facts Matter by Roman Balmakov' (17 min and 32)

Follow the facts and the science ...and when you do, the truth will be apparent.  

However, hiding the facts allows agencies to 'control' those who are dependent on the facts for their own health and future.  

So many people have lost their lives because of this chaos response to COVID-19.  When science is influenced or controlled by politicians the truth will be difficult to uncover.  

Yet, thinking people will always keep digging for the truth!

Take time to watch this video to the end.  You will find it important.

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Were lockdowns ineffective?

Were there economic benefits from the lockdown or ...not?  A very clever paper that takes a perspective from financial measures rather than political.  

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Deaths in New Zealand

Stats - Stats - Stats are going to bring sad revelations for the reaction to this flu.

Saturday, January 15, 2022

International data agrees

If we begin to look at the statistics finally being collected and analysed by those interested in facts and meaningful research, the result is now clear that more panic than common sense has been gripping the world.  This disaster to so many lives has became more of a political 'football', than truthful warnings.  

We should be grateful for those who have held the line of facts rather than fantasy during this time.  Dr. John Campbell has shared the facts impassionately and with an innocent wonder for the past two years.  

You only have to read the comments of grateful thanks for his videos to realise how hungry people are and have been for facts.

I suspect in five years scientists and statisticians will look back on this time and see, as some have already, that many have used this misfortune to take freedoms and assume control of others ...for their own benefit.

New disease

I was left with 'long COVID' and it is supposed to be from micro-clots gathering in my lungs. I wonder if it is related to this New...