Saturday, January 15, 2022

International data agrees

If we begin to look at the statistics finally being collected and analysed by those interested in facts and meaningful research, the result is now clear that more panic than common sense has been gripping the world.  This disaster to so many lives has became more of a political 'football', than truthful warnings.  

We should be grateful for those who have held the line of facts rather than fantasy during this time.  Dr. John Campbell has shared the facts impassionately and with an innocent wonder for the past two years.  

You only have to read the comments of grateful thanks for his videos to realise how hungry people are and have been for facts.

I suspect in five years scientists and statisticians will look back on this time and see, as some have already, that many have used this misfortune to take freedoms and assume control of others ...for their own benefit.

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