Saturday, April 4, 2020


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A Doctor Explains How to Make the Safest Face Mask

I learned early on in my life the absolute joy of helping others in personal ways.  Our grade school class was approached by the Red Cross to knit blankets for people in poorly-equipped hospitals in Europe where it was unusually cold that year.  

We were given boxes of a light grey yarn and number nine knitting needles.  It was great!  The entire class knit everywhere they were for months and produced over a hundred very warm lap blankets.  These were sent to help others one-to-one. 

Lost Sense of Community

As I've grown up, it seems this sense of community has been lost and in all kinds of tragedies we are told, 'Don't send anything other than money.'  

The personal involvement and satisfaction of doing something more than pushing a few buttons has been lost.  So here is a way to help.  The Centres for Disease Control are recommending wearing cloth masks when we go out into the public.

Healthcare Workers Will Die Without Masks!  

However, physicans, healthcare workers and support staff working in our hospitals and clinics must have masks if they are to survive the battle to save the lives of those infected with COVID-19.  

There are not enough masks for them until manufacturing catches up -- so if everyone buys up the N95 surgical masks on the market -- far too many of our health care providers will die.  What a dilemma!  

Your Mission

Yet, there is a way to make masks that are as just as protective as the video above illustrates.  Make some for yourself and your family and if times grow even more difficult these homemade masks could also support the healthcare workers.  

Finally, be sure to read THE SEGMENT on masks so you wear them in a healthy way.

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