Thursday, June 8, 2023

Coronavirus Vaccines Do Not and Have Never Worked!

(the link to the video: )

Dr. David Martin presented the video above during the International COVID Summit - 8 June 2023.  

Here are his introductory remarks:

"COVID as a model for a pathogen began in 1965.  It was one of the first, infectious replicatable model that could be used to modify other human experiences.

"It was immediately identified as easy to modify for various reasons.  By 1966 it was used as a trans-Atlantic biological experiment between the UK and the USA in human manipulation.  1967 first human trials ofnoculating people with the modified virus.

"The common cold was turned into a Chimera/ monster when researchers began to modify it by injecting into various animals (dogs, pigs, etc.).  

"In 1990, Pfizer created and patented the first immunisation for the virus.  But all that were tried didn't work because the Coronavirus is a very malleable model that transforms, changes and mutates over time.  

In fact, every single research publication published between 1990 and 2018, about Coronavirus concluded that this virus always escapes the vaccine impulse because it modifies and mutates so quickly for vaccines to be effective.

And since 1990 to 2018, that remains the published science!  Vaccines have never worked on the Coronavirus!

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