Monday, September 18, 2023


Friday, September 15, 2023

Should I Wear a Mask? What do 15 randomized studies say? Cochrane Revie...

Do not fall for the idea that a mask will protect you.  It is apparent that what masks do is 'demonstrate compliance' with mandates.  What masks did was to give people the perception that they were safe.  However, masks 'collected' viruses and when adjusted or taken off, would have caused the spread from the lack of washing hands after 'playing or pulling on the mask'.  

This is important for all of us to understand before new mandates try to be forced on us once more.  

When the world panicked they did not have time to actually think things through and it is not until now that health professionals and health researchers have been able to collect meaningful data that we can rely on.

Monday, July 3, 2023

It Takes a Long Time to Get Valid Statistics

Evidence on covid restrictions are growing more conclusive.  And the news is not what the mainstream media has trumpeted all along.

It was apparent that the statistics being used world wide regarding the start and roll on of the COVID-19 infections and deaths would not be valid until there was time to gather more accurate statistics to base decision upon.  

I monitored and shared statistics from the start of the spread of the virus and often wrote about the questionable numbers.  

Initially, it was so obvious that China was denying there were ANY deaths, let alone the true number of those infected.  And yet, the progression of the disease:  infections to death ratio of the country of origin was critical.  Nevertheless, in the need for secrecy China and other countries as much as denied the effects.

Other countries began to count, but there was no standardisation of what to count -- no definitions of infection stages, etc., -- you can't compare apples and oranges and expect to make valid decisions.

Other countries never got around to counting because the disease began to seriously impact populations and it was obviously more important for those countries to manage the health support of those who were suffering intending to get to statistics later.  Some of them did.

I would not have known this if hadn't noted the statistics each day and used my own Excel spreadsheet to watch the growth, spread and death rates myself.  

And then, there were statistitions who began to 'project' what the data might indicate in the days that lay ahead.  They were well meaning -- but based their observations on statistics that could not be relied on.

It is not yet far enough away from the start and progression of the disease to even believe it is over yet, because more variants are still arising to add to the already inaccurate statistics swirling in pots of 'here's the proof' conclusions.

One thing to note, Dr. John Campbell, has been faithful not to frost over any discovery even when it meant others took actions to silence him.  If you are not familiar with his YouTube channel, he began it at the beginning of the pandemic and has remained the central voice of scientific reason.  Today nearly three million people follow his channel. 

Here is a link to his YouTube channel.  I highly recommend it.   

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Coronavirus Vaccines Do Not and Have Never Worked!

(the link to the video: )

Dr. David Martin presented the video above during the International COVID Summit - 8 June 2023.  

Here are his introductory remarks:

"COVID as a model for a pathogen began in 1965.  It was one of the first, infectious replicatable model that could be used to modify other human experiences.

"It was immediately identified as easy to modify for various reasons.  By 1966 it was used as a trans-Atlantic biological experiment between the UK and the USA in human manipulation.  1967 first human trials ofnoculating people with the modified virus.

"The common cold was turned into a Chimera/ monster when researchers began to modify it by injecting into various animals (dogs, pigs, etc.).  

"In 1990, Pfizer created and patented the first immunisation for the virus.  But all that were tried didn't work because the Coronavirus is a very malleable model that transforms, changes and mutates over time.  

In fact, every single research publication published between 1990 and 2018, about Coronavirus concluded that this virus always escapes the vaccine impulse because it modifies and mutates so quickly for vaccines to be effective.

And since 1990 to 2018, that remains the published science!  Vaccines have never worked on the Coronavirus!

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Vitamin D doses - IMPORTANT

It is always a strange balance between the negative effects of sun exposure (melanomas) and the positive effects.  This is a very important study you may find helpful.

Monday, January 2, 2023

You are NOT allowed to talk about this.

Click the image or the link or copy and paste this link into your browser
or search YouTube for 'You are Not Allowed To Talk About This
by Katie Hopkins Official

Please take time to watch this 10 minute and 20 second video.  

It is important.

New disease

I was left with 'long COVID' and it is supposed to be from micro-clots gathering in my lungs. I wonder if it is related to this New...