Tuesday, April 28, 2020


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What We Should ALL Be Doing Right Now!
the Adley Show

Having followed, researched and written about this new health phenomena since the end of January, I am growing a bit weary of the information overload and confusion.  

I'm also quite weary that this serious situation has morphed more into politics, political bashing, political correctness and pure greed than using common sense.  It was time for us all to revisit our need for better personal hygiene and thoughtfulness of others.  

Businesses have been so focused on profit at any cost that employees, like the frog in the pan of cold water, have allowed themselves to be increasingly abused.  

And spending more than eight hours in an open-plan environment, where even musical desks is the rule, has hurt us all.  When did staying home from work become unwise and considerate of others?

It is a good thing for all of us to take time to reflect about what IS important in our lives.  Obviously, with more than 200,000 deaths around the globe, part of that reflection is forcing us to consider our own mortality and personal responsibilities.  

The virus is silent and invisible and, like some science fiction villain, no one is quite sure where it is lurking.

I've endeavoured to present information that matters from serious and reputable sources rather than fall into conspiracy theories or sourcing information from those who just want to sell their brand of modern 'snake oil' or bias.  

But I'm feeling a bit like this woman in the video.  What about you?

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New disease

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