Sunday, February 23, 2020

The Iranian 'Canary'

Current REPORTED statistics are becoming suspicious.  Even what is available would beg more emphasis on preparation as this is a pandemic now.

Previous Downsizing of Medical Support

Most health care facilities and supportive health clinics have -- over the years -- been downsized to serve the fewest expected patients in an effort to contain and cut cost.  

What this has resulted in are fewer beds, fewer health care professionals at hand and fewer supplies and infrastructure.  Therefore, most countries -- even the most developed -- will not be adequately prepared for the significant increases that may be on the way. 

China Resource for Medical Supplies

Additionally, most medical supplies and many of the drugs are made from China.  China is no longer exporting medical supplies for the obvious reason.  There seems to be few, if any, alternative suppliers in the world.


Pay attention to what is happening in Iran because it is a surprising hot spot and like the proverbial 'canary in the coal mine' what is happening in Iran is shouting pandemic and time to prepare for what is happening.  

Here is a current link to more information about Iran:

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