Saturday, February 22, 2020


There is a surprising new group of infected individuals in Iran, with five dead already.  Strangely enough, there is no identified link with China and Iran.  More to come on that.

The spread of the virus is thought to resemble the spread of other viruses.  Here are the ways COVID-19 is being documented and suspected of spreading?

Droplets with the virus in them

Droplets of moisture containing the virus that someone simply breathes out or when they cough or sneeze them out.  These droplets circulate in the air and can be breathed in by another.  

The infected droplets also land on surfaces (distances of up to 2-3 meters - 6 feet) holding the virus alive to be picked up by another on their hands and then accidentally transferred to their mouth, nose, eyes or other mucous membranes.  

Aerated Human Waste

Through the aeration of human waste -- solid and liquid when someone uses the toilet and flushes it.  Very small droplets containing the virus can circulate in the air and land on various surfaces.  

From then, others who may be in a public restroom can be exposed to the virus that lands on surfaces and breathed in while it is circulating in the air.


In sewage.  There are many ways sewage could leak out and infect individuals, including pipes within dwellings that are not set up properly and allow small leaks.  Also, when sewage pipes from houses and throughout cities have leaks or break.  

Finally, from sewage treatment plants.  Further research needs to be done regarding the spread of the virus through sewage needs to be done to formalise how this will be managed and the significance of the threat through this method.


There are reports of the virus spreading within multi-dwellings.  A good example is how the virus has been discovered and seems to have spread throughout more than one cruise ships, such as the Diamond Princess docked in Japan.  

But also there is concern that the virus may spread within multi-dwellings, such as apartment houses (and the possibility certainly exists for spread within office buildings).  

These multi-dwellings are proving to be inadvertent laboratories that selectively isolate a group of individuals.  Health care researchers then can document the spread of the virus within discrete populations.  Spread within these types of structures could happen from: 
    • contaminated air circulating through central heating/air conditioning
    • touching infected surfaces (elevator doors or buttons, walls, etc.)  As the virus can live outside the body for a yet to be substantiated time and infect others when they touch these same surfaces or breathe in the virus circulating in the air.   


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